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Everything posted by xfreakazoidx

  1. Yep lol. That Sir mod that is out lets you "blow" debris everywhere. I used it to help tear apart buildings lol. Some of the debris is outside the border and not showing up in the picture. It's crazy, like a tornado hit it!
  2. It's high noo....er... clean up time!
    Great for destroying stuff. Pause BEFORE you damage anything. After you fire a rocket for example let the smoke clear. Then unfreeze time. Some of the debris will disappear but the rest will go flying as normal. If your FPS drops to much just freeze time again for a second to give your PC a few seconds to catch up! I love this! Side note, if you touch ANY debris that is currently moving while time is frozen, you will either die or fly into the air. It's kind of hilarious! I was able to double the damage to on the Dorm level thanks to this mod!
  3. Got even more destroyed! One day I'll get it all! 😄
    Very well done! Don't know how people make these, but these looks great! Thanks!
  4. Forgot to mention it says in game "Press Up To Open Menu". I tried Up but nothing happens.
  5. The obliterate one only seems to blow up the middle of the map no matter where I point. Did I do something wrong?
  6. Hmm. I put the weapons in the folder and I load them in game. But they act like regular guns instead. For example I can see the blackhole weapon, but it just throws a pipe bomb and has a regular explosion.
    Love it. But is there anyway to expand it past a 4 for the explosion?
    Merry Christmas. Santa exploded.
  7. You are by far the best map maker I've seen. Not that everyone else is bad of course, but yours are so detailed and well done.
  8. Will this mess with any mods I have installed in the new version of Teardown?
    As always your maps are beautiful! Thank you for your hard work! I obliterated this one also both at night and day! ^_^
    How immature...... (downloads and laughs as he uses it) 😉
    Love it! 3D scans are great in game! Here is two pictures put together for my destruction!
  9. Swiss cheesed it again using the mod version! 😄 Seems to have better performance. Although I think last time it was because fire and smoke really bog down PCs. So just stuck to guns.
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