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fratermalou last won the day on June 29 2021

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  1. yes but it is too big for the site (122 MB) so i uploaded it on google drive, you can get it by this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uzV_Ekfzk88bXZ67y6fwhZw3SHFUhWyj/view?usp=sharing
  2. i can't make a zip, a tried and the file is too big, there is a lot of free softs to unrar a file.
  3. yes in the last version i told the game that if speaker 1, and speaker 2 are destroyed, even with one bullet, to do nothing, so it can't do anything else but that. i don't know why you still have music after destroying the whole building. there is a simple way to know if you have the last version, can you see the speakers in the nightclub ??
  4. Jbeam, the music stops, it is scripted, i think you didn't overwrite your 1.0 version
  5. Version 1.0.5


    Here is the ZIP version of the map, too big for the site https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uzV_Ekfzk88bXZ67y6fwhZw3SHFUhWyj/view?usp=sharing 1.0.5 The piano works well now 🙂 1.0.4 Map weight and load time have been a little optimized 1.0.3 Correcting a bug that caused the map launching without any shadowvolume. it should be fine now. Map optimized, FPS increased due to a shadowvolume replacement and rescale. 1.0.2 adding the car realistic damage pickup by prop_hunterrrr 1.0.1 a few improvment and fixes in the nightclub
    Alors, ce pack est vraiment cool, j'adore, par contre j'ai remarqué sur plusieurs voiture un défaut au niveau du parre-brise, tu devrais ajout un vox a chaque extremité, pour éviter que le parre-brise ne tombe au moindre choc, je l'ai corrigé moi meme sur la Z28 que j'ai prise pour ma map. bravo en tout cas et merci. So, this pack is really cool, I love it, on the other hand I noticed on several cars a problem on the windshield, you should add a vox at each end, to prevent the windshield from falling at the slightest shock, I corrected it myself on the Z28 that I took
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