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102 files

  1. Time Control

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       (7 reviews)



  2. NOT WORKING!! Click Spawn Mod (AKA Click Smoke Mod)

    DM Me On Discord If There Is Any Bugs Cooperkit Gaming#1223
    Click Smoke
    Random Smoke Movement Pool
    Smoke Pool Mode
    Smoke Lasting Time
    Smoke Size
    Particle Type
    Click Fire
    Click Explosion
    Drag Explosion 
    Detonator Click Mode
    Detonator Mode
    Detonator Explosion
    Explosion Power
    Click Tp
    Click Tool
    Click TP Tool
    Spawn/Detonate Tool
    Smoke Wall Mode
    Smoke Wall Spawn
    Click Spawn Default Tab
    Smoke Vector


       (6 reviews)



  3. Custom Levels Extended - More custom maps

    This addition to the game allows for up to 45 custom maps
    This is a quick rescript which allows for way more custom levels in the menu.
    This mod does not provide custom levels but only the option to add more.


       (5 reviews)



  4. Bomb Hammer + Expandable Debug Viewer

    Bomb Hammer is a mod I built for fun and coding practice, and was written with new programmers in mind. Other mods might have fancy custom debug menus, but I'm hoping that my commented code will be easy to follow and teach something to beginners.
    Also included is an expandable, beginner friendly structured debug viewer for general or customized use. I've commented the code, and did my best to make this mod friendly and straight forward for new or inexperienced programmers.
    The Expandable Debug Viewer will automatically expand its formatting for new entries. Simply define your new line and add it to the table of lines.
    This code was made to be expanded and tinkered with, so if you want more bombs, or larger explosions, please read bomb_hammer.lua and mess around! 🙂
    How to Use:
    1. Place 'explosive wisps' by clicking on a voxel with the Hammer drawn.
      1b. Note, the 'wisps' will only be placed with the hammer drawn, and while the player is not too close to the target area. This was a safety feature I left in when the mod originally just     exploded, even at the player's feet.
    2. The number of wisps that can be placed, and their strength, is editable in the bomb_hammer.lua file
    3. To explode any placed wisps, click while the Extinguisher is drawn. Exploding wisps will delete them, freeing up room for more wisps!
    ------------------ readme.txt ------------------
    This mod uses: 
        (a) Antipolo's Teardown ModLoader utility
        (b) Data Dumper table from lua-users wiki. 
    If this mod stops working, try seeing if either your ModLoader's included ui/hud.lua file isn't out of date, or for some reason your inclusion of Data Dumper is misbehaving.
    1. Back up any files that might be replaced at the installer's discretion.
    2. Extract the folders 'mods' and 'ui' to your C:/...<Steam Installation>.../Teardown/data folder
    3. In Teardown/data/ui is modloader.lua, use this to toggle mods on or off through comments.


       (2 reviews)



  5. Infinite Ammo - Option to toggle

    How To Use
    Drop the files of the Zip into the games main folder.
    Go to Options and look for Infinite Ammo under Graphics.
    This will not mess your ammo up on your save file so you can revert back to vanilla gameplay if you wish on your current save!


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. Vehicle Enhancer

    Vehicle Enhancer by My Cresta
    Subsribe here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2412114044
    Showcase Video:
    Thanks again to Thomasims for awsome code examples ❤️ 


       (10 reviews)



  7. Creative Mod

    ‏‏‎ ‎


       (5 reviews)



  8. SirCode's Cheats Mod - A simple fiddler and cheat menu

    As of Friday the 19th, February 2021, this mod will NO LONGER be updated on this site.
    Same thing goes for the version on NexusMods
    Its going to be living on the Steam Workshop later on, as all my mods eventually will.
    all downloads on this page will still be available, and as of posting, the menu is fully functional still, even in 0.6.0. I will update this mod description one more time with a link to the mod on the steam workshop after its out of beta.

    This project was a little creation of mine that's entire goal was to create a working Cheat menu using the new modloader, without modifying ANY of the default scripts of the game.
    What I mean is, this entire script runs within the modloader's options.lua and main.lua
    It doesn't replace any of the game's default scripts, which means its compatible with any other mod.
    It also doesn't replace any default assets of any kind. Its a completely compatible standalone mod.
    I know only 2 cheats work right now, but getting cheats to work without modifying default scripts is DIFFICULT alright?
    Currently it supports these cheats:
    Infinite Mission Time Just makes the timer on every mission super long so its essentially infinite. Infinite Ammo  Whatever weapon you're holding will just have infinite ammo, just like sandbox mode. Simple as that. Infinite Health Literally in the name, refills the health as you take damage. Nearly impossible to die unless you spam hundreds of bombs per frame (Like using click explode hack for example) NoClip Flight / Static Camera Flight Allows you to fly around the world without being affected by boundaries or forces and gravity. Vehicle Boost / Fly Configurable speed and the controls are located inside of the mod options. Basically acts like a rocket engine attached to the car. Player Boost / Fly  Same as vehicle boost, but with more air control. You can easily accidentally fall through the world or send yourself to enormously high heights with this Temporarily Unlock All Tools  Just gives you all weapons. It automatically gives you the weapons when you reload the current world / enter a new world Velocity Burst  / Blow Away Stuff Hack Small Parts will be sent everywhere destroying everything... so prepare for lag. If you dont have a decent processor, this hack will kind of suck to use.. This can destroy entire maps if used in the right way Debug Info This is a small mod that I've included as an extra option because its useful in development I left it in as an optional cheat option because some people also want it. It essentially just draws a line to where your facing, and draws a cross where it hit. It logs all the information on the top left ingame. Click Fire / Fire Wand I've made the tool that activates it customizable. (I recommend using the spraycan) Click Explode / Bomb Wand This can crash the game, as such I've made the tool that activates it customizable. I also added a button to toggle paint mode (So you have to spam or click for each individual bomb, rather than painting a line of explosives) Click Delete / NOTHING IS INDESTRUCTIBLE 😄 You can use this tool to literally delete chunks of the world. You can delete anything... Even if its indestructible or outside of the map. Click Destroy / #OBLITERATE This CAN and WILL crash your game if used incorrectly... This hack sets any object it touches as a massive explosive, as such, it can be used to utterly destroy and obliterate any building / vehicle or object in the game. Its essentially Click Explode on Steroids. Uses a small exploit in the game's engine to set an object explosive and blow it up. This has NO LIMITATIONS on the Explosive Power (Soon to be fully customizable) Currently locked it at power 10 while I'm working on the mod (For reference, the max explosion size is normally 4) If the object you clicked does not blow up immediately, then shoot it. It essentially turns objects into explosives. Ray Cutter / Line Cutter This is a small mod that allows you to use Very Precise cutting by cutting holes exactly where youre looking. Perfect for leveling a forest or cutting off a roof. Epic Ingame Menu You can enable this through the normal options Allows you to configure and change the settings of all the cheats within the game. Hit Enter ingame to open it. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:
    Extract the zip file and drag the "SirCodesCheatsMod" folder into your teardown savegame directory -> Teardown \ Mods \ SirCodesCheatsMod \ (Mod Files) Some zip extractors put the content into a second folder Make sure there is not 2 folders. Only 1 with the mod files in it. IMPORTANT This mod was created to work on versions 0.5.4 and above
    However it should still work with UMF 0.5.1 and above


       (21 reviews)



  9. Finally Sprinting

    This mod adds sprinting to a game that can sometimes be infuriating without sprinting. We all know you've been there, nearly having thrown yourself off a cliff trying to get the last optional missions on that one level. Well throw yourself off a cliff no longer! Sprint off it instead!
    - To install, drag the 'Finally Sprinting' folder into 'C:\Program Files\Steam\steampapps\common\mods' or wherever your 'mods' folder is.
    - To enable, open up the mod manager in game, and toggle the enabled option on the mod.
    - To use, just double tap 'W' like in Minecraft and sprint should boost into action.
    Known Problems
    Yes, I know that sprinting sharp turns do not work in this mod. The reason is, I cannot directly modify the walk speed in the code. Instead I have to take the direction the player is already travelling, and multiply it by a certain degree to simulate sprinting. This makes it more like gliding on ice than sprinting but it gets the job done.


       (3 reviews)



  10. Click to Explode (NEW ON STEAM)

    Updated: Steam Only https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2590678617

    Toggle between Click and Draw (Hold)
    Set Explosive Size
    Click to Explode
    Click to Draw Fire
    Click to Spawn Activated Explosive
    Click to Spawn Timed Activated Explosive
    Delay option to delay each explosive to wait a certain amount of time before the next explosive.
    Set Tool for Explosive spawn
    Set Tool for Detonator 
    Disable Explosive Size and Detonator Notifications
    Mini Nuke mod supported use, the uncap button to use it
    New Uncap Sliders (for Mini Nuke) Added:
    Click Explosion Uncapped Size: Values 1 - 100
    Precision Explosion Size: Values 0.1 - 10 this slider adds to Click Explosion Uncapped Size and allows for decimal sizes.

    Due to a modding limitation I'm unable to attach explosives to actual objects, they will unfortunately only explode in the same area they are placed. When possible I will make this a toggle.

    Installation Note:  You only need to download the zip. The raw files are so users who may not have Winrar or 7zip can still install the mod.
    Installation instructions are included in the zip.

    Does not require mini nuke dll, I just support the use of it through the uncap toggle.


       (25 reviews)



  11. Inventory System

    - This mod allows you to carry 4 objects at a time.
    - While placing an object you can rotate it and also move it up and down.
    - You can pick up cars and everything dynamic!
    - This will only work with Teardown Build 0.5.0 and later.
    How to download
    1. Download the zip
    2. Extract contents from zip file
    3. Take the folder containing main.lua, options.lua, and info.txt and put it in your mod folder in documents/teardown/mods
    4. Enable mod in teardown
    q: pick up object you are looking at
    r: open inventory(you need to hold down r for menu to stay open)
    t and y: rotate object you are placing
    u and j: move object you are placing up and down
    lmb: drop object you are placing
    rmb: while placing a object you can hold rmb and then move your cursor to rotate a object in all directions


       (12 reviews)



  12. Gravity Lifts (easy XML setup for your maps)

    Gravity Lifts
    By Cheejins


        This mod creates easily customizable cylindrical gravity lifts that you can set up in your map, purely through XML.

         NOTE: Sometimes the gravlift does not register large objects properly. This is because the complete center
        of the object must be within the gravity lift. Any outer voxels of the object may not trigger the gravlift.
        These gravlifts are pretty basic. I'm planning to add things like additive velocity, so the gravlifts don't just
         do a stiff pull. Instead they will gradually change the objects direction towards the gravlift direction.
        The gravity lifts can be set up for your map purely through the XML code using body tags. 
        There is a detailed legend in the xml file explaining all of the valid values for the gravlifts.
         Here is a quick snippet of it:

        Drag the contents of the mods folder to the Teardown/mods steam folder. Enable the script and try out the demo map.
        NOTE: This mod only works with the new Teardown Experimental Beta (Teardown 0.5 and 0.5.1)

        Special thanks to "Thomasims" for helping out with some of the geometry involved with the cylinders.


       (5 reviews)



  13. Remote explosive mod

    UPDATE: This mod file may be corrupted. If you have the steam version of the game use this link for the workshop version:
    Installation: Place the explosion folder inside the zip file into your mods folder
    Allows you to plant explosives on objects and detonate them.
    The explosives move with the object they are placed on
    X - Place explosive
    C - Detonate explosives
    U - Clear explosives
    Strength slider from 0.0 to 4.0 (max)
    If the mod does not work for you, please don't leave a negative review. Message me on discord jackson#6745 and I can help you


       (10 reviews)



  14. Fang's Custom Weapons

    This mod will only work with version 0.5 or later. There are a few minor issues present, but nothing major. Planned updates are on the way.

    You can now open the menu by pressing "M" instead of going into the escape menu. You will be able to change the hotkey soon.

    This mod allows you to shoot weapons with your own settings. You can set your RPM (rounds per minute), spread, ammo type (rockets or bullets), bullets per shot,  infinite ammo, burst firing mode, and recoil/flash visibility! 
    How much can you change your custom gun?
    RPM ranges from 10 to 10000  Spread ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 having the most spread You can change your ammo type from bullets to ROCKETS! Bullets per shot ranges from 1 to 100. However, the game gets very laggy when its set to 100, so make sure your rpm isnt too high! Burst speed ranged from 60 to 2000. This controls the speed between each shot in a burst with the higher number making it faster Burst shots ranges from 2 to 10 rounds per burst. Set a tool that the mod is restricted to  

    Demo of version 1.2: 
    1. Open file explorer - go to Documents/Teardown/mods
    2. Open "Custom Weapons.zip" and drag the folder called "Custom Weapons" into the mods folder
    How to use:
    1. Enable the mod in the game's main menu
    2. Press "M" to open up the menu (this also closes the menu)
    3. You should now see options to change the RPM, spread, and bullets per shot. You should also see buttons to toggle Modded weapon, Rocket ammo, Infinite ammo, Burst firing mode, and a Recoil/Flash hider.
    Modded weapon allows you to shoot with the given RPM and spread. It will work on any tool
              as long as you hold the mouse button down. It is enabled by default. Rocket ammo allows you to shoot rockets (while "Modded weapon" is on) at the given RPM
              and spread. Infinite ammo allows you make all normal weapon ammo infinite. The modded weapon ammo is inherently
          infinite, so you do not need this on unless you are not using modded weapon. Burst mode allows you to shoot in bursts with custom rounds per burst and delay per shot in each burst Recoil/Flash allows you to hide the initial flash and recoil when shooting with the mod Mod's HUD allows you to hide or show the new HUD in v1.2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    To do:
     Add custom model integration (possibly tied to rpm/spread/bullets per shot) so others can use this script for their own voxel weapon models.  Create Github page  Add recoil if possible - If anyone knows out how to do this I would appreciate any help!  Add damage and range slider if possible  Add option for finite ammo counter (and maybe reloading?) Some more UI changes Ability to turn off certain things in the HUD (Maybe) Ability to change the color scheme Beginning of template production for other modders This will include a very readable text file to make it easier to change default, minimum, and maximum values Tool/Weapon hider ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Game version: 0.5 and above ONLY
    Discord: Fang#7832
    DM me if you need help or have suggestions!
    You can change the default RPM, spread, etc. in the weaponMod.lua file.
    *Special thanks to My Cresta for his helpful slider code
    *COMING SOON!* I plan to update this mod so that other mod creators can use it as a "template script" to create their own custom weapons using their models. This will be much better if the devs give us the ability to spawn new weapons, but for now this mod will affect all weapons/tools (soon you can change it to only affect certain tools).


       (19 reviews)



  15. Speedometer

    A speedometer to show speed of vehicle
    two files are the same after extracted


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  16. Better Speedometer

    Redrawing of mod "Speedometer", that matches better with default Teardown HUD
    Original mod by Dennis Gustafsson


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  17. Noclip mod

    This mod allows you to pass through everything on the map. It also has super easy controls. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks to @MyCresta for adding far better movement and and cleaning up the code.
    q: enter and exit noclip mode
    rmb: move faster while you are in noclip mode
    w, a, s, d, and space: move around while in noclip mode


       (8 reviews)



  18. Bunnyhop Mod

    Bunnyhop (bhop) mechanics in Teardown. Be like phoon!
    Make sure to check the options to see what you can customize!
    - Customizable Bunnyhop speedometer (Hoppometer)
    - Special SFX & VFX based on speed
    - Strafe mechanic options
    Steam Workshop Item: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2532387822
    GitHub Repository: https://github.com/Snazzah/TeardownBunnyhop
    It's not perfect, but it's something.


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  19. Balloons

    This mod allows you to place a point on any dynamic object in the world that will pull up on it. There is a option to use either a sprite or just a small blue cross. Feel free to change the sprite to whatever you want. Hope you enjoy!
    i: create a balloon point on a object
    r and t: change strength of your last placed balloon.
    rmb: Increase the rate of change when changing strength of balloon
    z: delete balloon last placed


       (4 reviews)



  20. Better fonts

    Mod information
    The mod has 2 different font files which are better than basic fonts.
    Installation guide
    Drop data folder in teardown folder and replace files. Restart the game if it's running. My other mods
    Small costruction site Broken tools


       (3 reviews)

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  21. Renderscale slider

    Simple mod that turns the renderscale option into a slider, ranging from 0.1 to 2x renderscale, it might help performance if you're willing to play what looks to be an early 90's doom game
    --How to install--
    If you ARE using the timed explosives mod and/or minigun mod then delete "options.lua" and rename "optionsTimedExplosives.lua" to "options.lua". Then place options.lua into /teardown/data/ui replacing the original options.lua. Included is "hud.lua" this makes it so the explosion mod and minigun mod can work together, drag this file into the same directory.
    If you are NOT using the time explosives mod just take the options.lua file and put it in the same directory as previously stated. (/teardown/data/ui)


       (9 reviews)



  22. NOT WORKING Stronk Mod

    NEW: Thors Hammer added! Bring down powerful lightning strikes with the sledge!
    Demo of thors hammer: https://youtu.be/4cfHwN2j5RY
    ADDED a vox model for Thors Hammer which looks awsome, thanks to cCheerSs for making it and letting me use it
    To use it: place thorhammer.vox in "Teardown/data/vox/tool", rename sledge.vox to something else to save it, then rename thorhammer.vox to sledge.vox and voila!
    Bring down powerful lightning that leaves smoke and fire like the real ones. Store up to ten objects, they are teleported below the map, you can teleport them in front of you with the spray (Very experimental) Grow big biceps and throw objects with very high velocity, the bigger the thing you can grab, the harder you throw it. Blink like a mage without cooldown using the mouse scroll down Grab and rotate stuff (Very experimental, works well with vehicles and some interactables, does not work well with world shapes) Functions:
    Swing your hammer to smack down a violent lightning bolt Throw something with plank equipped to store it Spray with can to spawn it in front of you Throw something very hard with extinguisher equipped Scroll down with rocker launcher equipped to teleport 10m in aim direction Grab things with blowtorch equipped to rotate it Press TAB and click the Stronk Mod button in the bottom left corner for options menu
      I have included two ways of installation, use one of them:
    If you don't have any other modded ui files and just want to test this mod, use the first method.
    If you already have modded files and would like to run this mod together with it, you can install with method 2, it will only place a hook at the end of the needed lua files without replacing any of your existing code.
    Second method also includes a console in the main menu and esc menu.
    You can read more about this on the git link below.
    To use vox model: place thorhammer.vox in "Teardown/data/vox/tool", rename sledge.vox to something else to save it, then rename thorhammer.vox to sledge.vox and voila!
    Installation method 1:
    Download Stronk Install 1.rar and extract files Place all three files in Teardown/data/ui Enjoy! Installation method 2:
    Download Stronk Install 2.rar and extract files Place the mods folder and hook_modloader.bat directly in the Teardown game folder next to teardown.exe Run hook_modloader.bat ONCE to initialize Enjoy! If you need help installing DM me on discord: My Cresta#4859
    Ideas for future:
    Options to change keybinds/tools used List stored objects to be able to spawn selected one
    Creds to the creator of the mod framework:
    Please leave a review and/or suggestions as this has many areas which can be improved upon.


       (12 reviews)



  23. Spartan Laser

    I'm too lazy to add screenshots, just watch this video: 
    If you want the placeholder model, dm me (ChiefCloudyEye#0489).

    Spartan Laser, it goes boom after you shoot it at an object.
    Uhhhh... It has a charge up and fancy laser particles. It replaces the spraycan.
    Model made by SquishyAlpaca, used with permission. Give them love for the modelling work.


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  24. Infinite weapon ammo and money

    1. Create a backup for savegame.xml. Just rename the original BACKUP.xml and do not change the downloaded one.
    2. Go to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Teardown and there you will find the savegame.xml. Rename that BACKUP and drag and drop the downloaded one in that place.
    3. Put the backup.xml in desktop so you won't lose it.
    4. You are ready to go!


       (1 review)



  25. NegativeSpeedometer

    !!!This mod only works on the experimental version of the game!!!

    This mod is just a joke.
    It makes the speedometer that was added with the new experimental API go into the negative.

    Credit goes to:
    Original mod creator - Dennis Gustafsson
    GreatLordDax - Created the new Image
    Nebur7420 - removed 6 lines of code and put everything together.

    put the NegativeSpeedometer in the teardown->mods folder


       (0 reviews)



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