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Moxxie_Gaming last won the day on November 12 2022

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2 Neutral

About Moxxie_Gaming

  • Birthday July 3

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    My first positive impression of the mod is that I was finally able to download a mod normally from this site, as there are a lot of mods whose folders I can't open without an error message, maybe this is just my problem. The second positive impression is that such an underrated car is finally being made by someone, not in any way. The detail of the models is simply indescribably good, not gonna lie. I just want to say a big thanks for this mod
  1. Get ready for another vehicle, which is one of my favorite from my latest ideas...
  2. Oh, well that's unusual, did you done everything that i wrote in the description?
  3. Geez, almost 1k download, thanks everybody :)
  4. Before you ask why WIP is this mod: I don't really know about Hungarian vehicles that are really 100% Hungarian or made in other countries, but they still play a significant role in Hungary, so if you have any ideas what other Hungarian vehicle I could make, you can write in the comment because it helps a lot
  5. Version 1.0.0


    i made one of the SUVs an Opel Hungarian Police All you need to do is take all these xml and vox files into the car folder inside the vehicle folder, inside the assets folder, inside the vehiclepack folder. Before testing the mod, write the following things in the file named vehiclepack spawn after #cars: assets/vehicle/car/O.H.P.xml : Hungarian Vehicles/Hungarian Police Enjoy it :) Give credit wherever you repost the models of mine
  6. Bro, its already in the game
  7. If you have any ideas about Russian vehicles that i would made here, please write down here!
  8. Version 1.1.0


    This spawn mod containes: An UAZ Russian Police Car (siren does not working) An Old fashioned GAZ-21 2 Lada, the 3-striped is faster than the simple Lada (when you try to spawn them, it may be bugged, and cant spawn it to you) A modified Military truck, GAZ-66 Russian truck (im gonna improve the model in the future, if you guys want) All you guys need to do is take all these xml and vox files into the car folder inside the vehicle folder, inside the assets folder, inside the vehiclepack folder. Before testing this mod, enter the following
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