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Everything posted by Mudsox

  1. They're blowing up into many pieces I'm assuming? If you don't care for this, go into the moon's .vox file if you have magicavoxel and change the material to something that doesn't break. At least, that's how it worked months ago when I had the mod.
  2. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    Will continue to improve the map throughout the day. I need a Borderlands break though, tbh.
  3. Mudsox

    Fernway City

    Just tried rewriting the fire alarm code because it's spaghetti. Should have fixed the fire problem but there won't be an update for a while.
  4. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    I have to rebuild everything that I put a scale setting on, which is a LOT of props. I know the map is broken now. It will take all day to fix it.
  5. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    I'll have a peek when I get back home and see what the problem could be. It's usually a mod that is interfering with the map's scripts.
  6. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    Hey all. Gonna be working on different layers for the map later on today. Might not release an update if takes a while to set everything up for it. Cheers.
  7. The shredder would be fun. I'd make it but I'm at work. Bleh.
  8. BeamNG vibe intensifies Now I want a rocket bus.
  9. Mudsox


    "This wasn't in the training manual"
  10. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    That would be really cool. I think I can do it by setting tags on every light to make them all go on or off at the flick of a switch. Would be fun to try it out!
  11. Mudsox

    Fernway City

    Preference. Just choose one
  12. Work is just giving me more map ideas tbh


    1. kindofdestruction


      uhh i see i bet it always snows there

    2. ViroGamer


      what if you build a mountain for it

    3. Cobes
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  13. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    Changelog says crane but I meant the wrecking ball. My bad
  14. Starting tomorrow, for about a month, the time I will have to work on the maps will be severely reduced. This means less frequent updates.

    But don't fret, progress on the maps is still my first priority when I have free time.



  15. Mudsox

    Fernway Hub

    If you want in, the entrance is behind the power shed. It's a hatch with a chute leading into the ground.
  16. Mudsox


    Of course. All the rides will have booths with buttons later and will be stopped by default. Just showing off the mechanics right now 🙂
  17. Mudsox


    Yep! Just wanted to get a few simple rides in and then the other stuff will come after. Good idea with the fruit stands lol
  18. Mudsox


    That's the second time I've had that request. Guess I should do it eh? 😛 They're both planned!
  19. Any way to add a thing that grabs the changelog of a mod and display it in the program?
  20. Mudsox

    The Junkyard

    Oh man that ShredDozer is impressive!
  21. Mudsox


    It's trying to get away! 😛
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