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Everything posted by xfreakazoidx

    Amazing! I wish we could spawn things like this in any map.
    Thanks for this. Been looking for a fun destruction weapon in MOD form! 😄
    Played this then tried shooting up my house*. Can confirm, super realistic! *if testing in real life, use someone else's** house **this is not real advice, not responsible for destroyed*** homes ***though if you do please put it on youtube so I can watch it
    This is amazing! Best mod yet! To expand on what the mod maker said, you have to manually go into the game on Steam, click the "gears" looking icon, go to properties and then go to the "beta" tab and select to download the latest experimental version to get 0.5.0. It will download the new stuff (600mb when I did it) and then you can use these mods. It's a new system so previous versions won't work with these mods.
    Great little map. Many things to test out. Sharks in the game could be great for some missions. 😄
    Nice idea! I could go for some winter levels. Maybe they will use it and make some ice covered lakes you have to get to in order to complete a heist!
  1. How do you install it? I tried putting it everywhere and can't find it in game.
  2. xfreakazoidx


    Wow with the lights it's even more amazing. And somehow I was able to get a better framerate also which means more destruction! Is this an actual cathedral?
    Even though I love posting pics of blowing up all these things, this map is the BEST, most beautiful, most gorgeous map I've seen yet! My mind is blown! Oh and good luck trying to blow it up so nothing is left, my PC screaming in agony to get these pictures. lol
    USS Hunk O' Burning Love
  3. Full version destroys really well too! 😄
    Obliterated the ancient Parthenon, ruined archeology. 5 out of 5!
    Destroyed classis statue, 5 out of 5!
    This is great! Probably the best mod. Got explosions, Tp and everything!
  4. Swiss cheesed the new version! 😄
    Blew my way to the tunnel. Destroyed home in process. 5 out of 5!
    While just walking in the building drops my frame rate, it is a VERY well done map. Realistic, even has sounds for when a fire breaks out. I don't know where the fire was though. I see no issues...... lol
    Check out your message inbox. 😄
  5. The new version is really nice with the snow and surroundings! Instead of blowing it up, I decided to swiss cheese it! 😄
    The Bom-Omb was much more pissed then I remembered! Joke aside, seeing this map brings back memories.
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