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Everything posted by ViroGamer

    VERY detailed. Good job mate!😀
  1. ViroGamer

    Fernway Hub

    Very nice 🤣 Also will FernWay City be more of an urban city with glass skyscrapers like the previous skyscraper or a more bricky like the apartment? Either way I sure enjoy city maps The AC-130 is no match to me! haha
  2. Added a thing in the description to help you add the vans, it is slightly different than adding a normal car.
  3. So thats what ''who's there'' is
  4. What would you guys like to see in an upcoming rally map?

  5. Most popular this week on 3rd! Thank you guys!
    Absolutely amazing. I guess I can't stop COVID in the game so I understand why they can't stop COVID irl
    i want big mac no blue berry seriously though it is a good mod
    I really like maps like this! Can you make a rally there? Your probably better at it than me lol
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hey you. Yeah you. Don't think I don't see you in your chair in an awkward position, and now changing positions because a ''stupid'' text reminded you, scrolling through TearDownMods to find a good mod. Hey, did you know that mods often get more views than downloads? You know how people told you to be yourself and don't copy how others act? And if you just leave this page, your just gonna be one of the fixed, stubborn mindsets everyone else has because you can't change or grow. Go on. Leave this mod without downloading it. It's not like you will see anything else like this and better. This mo
    This looks eerily similar to a place I've seen when in italy (no I wasn't in Rome)
    Nice! Maybe you can add Team Woo For The Win poster from villa, or did you already do it? If so what is the name
  7. I've been working on my map and was wondering if there are any cranes. Whenever I tried using Teardown vehicle prefab cars they just crash the game however.
  8. ViroGamer

    Fernway Hub

    as long as you do what you enjoy you do have a life
  9. ViroGamer

    Fernway Hub

    How do you even manage to update every hour?
    11/10 Very cool. Unfortunately my game crashed when trying to add these to other maps
  10. The left is how the pre-mod loader was and with modloader incase you were confused
  11. You need to get WinRar then extract the rar files to mods folder
  12. You need to rename the ''WHATEVERNAME''.xml (custom or vehicle or something dont do whatevername) to main.xml and add an info.txt using new-Text file with the format name = author = description = Then change the ''WHATEVERNAME'' folder (custom or vehicle or something dont do whatevername) to main and your done!
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