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Everything posted by DeltaBit

  1. DeltaBit

    The Block

    Thank you very much!
  2. DeltaBit

    The Block

    is it possible to remove fog completely from Sunny template?
  3. DeltaBit

    The Block

    Very nice and comfy map, doesn't lag that much and very fun to blow buildings up, thank you! btw, can we get the unflooded version? with ground level road and stuff.
    Pretty sad that you can't use RMB as secondary firemode like GMOD's gravity gun, but it's working as intended and fun to use as well! Thanks for making this mod!
    Can't love airstrikes more, thank you very much! also, is it possible to increase cluster bombs life time? I couldn't destroy tall buildings since the projectiles will be timed out before hitting the target and can't find anything related to it in script file
  4. DeltaBit

    Noclip mod

    Very handy mod, is it possible to use weapons while noclipping? tho
    Is it possible to make the bridge easier to collapse? I had to tear them down to smaller parts so they finally collapsed. otherwise, very nice bridge and fog you got there
    Very nice mod is it possible to change flying speed with ctrl+scroll instead of just scrolling? can't press numbers to get modded weapons
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