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2 Neutral
    One of the best maps I've ever seen so for, the western theme is great. Keep up the good work!
    Great 3d scan, imagine what people could do if we started taking these and adding interiors. Maybe once graphic and processor technology advances enough we could have entire scanned replicas of towns and cities too.
    Great Mod, only question is am I supposed to install the mini nuke mod along with this mod to have uncapped exlposions? You said you need the mininuke.dll but that file doesn't exist.
    Great mod! What map is being used in the screenshots?
    Its cool and all that you'll make it a vehicle but I doubt the sinking will work the way everyone is expecting it to work. Plus the sinking event in teardown isn't dynamic, so you won't be able to watch sections of the ship flood, it'll probably just sorta noclip down through the water. But still a cool idea anyways.
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