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  1. I found the mistake, i somehow managed to corrupt the weapon files i just redid everything except the umf and now it works. But many thx for your fast response!! And i really love your weapon Pack good job 🙂
  2. hi @MyCresta I got an issue: I installed umf and patched the game and i can run it with it. then i put your weapons in documents/teardown/mods and in game it shows me your weapons on "the local files" window and once i enable them it says "mod enabled: unnamed" and i cant see or use any of your weapons. I would appreciate your help. Thx in advance!
    Hello, got a little issue: I installed Umf and completed the patch like in the instructions, then i tried to put your weapons in dokuments/teardown/mods and when i start the game i see all the weapons at the "local Files" window and i can enable them, but once i start sandbox it tells me the mods are enabled but Unnamed. And the weapons dont show up ingame. I would appreciate your help. Thx in advance Ps: sorry for puting that into the review section didnt realize it until i posted it. Flatschi
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