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Everything posted by WhiteStar401

    This is so awesome!!! I had to include it in my town, SandyWood. Though not to the benefit of the ragdoll. 😇🤣
  1. Just want to let you guys know that i am still working on the town, and i am hoping to place an update this weekend. Here is a sneak preview. 🙂
  2. Version 2.0


    A small Wild West style town i call SandyWood. All fantasy, though i did took some inspiration from films, shows and games. I have more buildings planned, but i am curious what you guys think so far.
  3. WhiteStar401


    No, this is not based on any cathedral. Nor a real one or in fiction.
  4. WhiteStar401


    Both versions are in the new file, that is why it is twice as big. You are right though, it is a bit confusing. I should have deleted the old version. Done that now.
  5. WhiteStar401


    Version 1.1.1


    Building a nice cathedral for teardown. Complete with glass windows, stone vaulted ceiling and wooden roof.
  6. Version 1.2.0


    I have build a keep on the Island custom map. I still have some plans for the next 2 floors, but here is the start. Great building to turn into a ruïn. 🙂 Next 2 floors will be in a later update. Be sure to backup the Island folder and the Island.xml file before placing these files in teardown/create
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