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Motorized deadbolt lock 1.0.0

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A locking door with a motorized deadbolt and statuslights. It's used in my White House mod, but I am uploading it here as a re-usable prefab that is meant to be used as an easily placable asset within your maps.

Statuslights: if the light is red, the door is closed and locked. If it's green, the door is unlocked. Red and green means the door is locked but open, and is trying to close.

The deadbolt waits until the door is in position before closing. If the door is open and locked, it will attempt to wiggle itself into place to lock. Sometimes, you need to give it a little shove, but usually it always closes and locks on its own, eventually.

If you add a body with a vox and give it a "keycard" tag, then that object will become interactable and will lock/unlock doors it is close to when pressed.

Edited by AngryChickens

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