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Gabe Wehrle

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File Comments posted by Gabe Wehrle

    The White House

       39,500    78
    55 minutes ago, AngryChickens said:

    Sorry I took it that way, I just really did do a lot to rewrite the code, and it actually does work differently, so it almost came across like you want your name on the lua files I actually wrote, which doesn't seem right either. That being said, it was YOUR idea. I really just wanted to move us into a direction of offering the community here a way of achieving a good environment system, since I know Cobes spent a lot of time on managing various maps. I think if we can combine what we've done, we can save a lot more people a lot of time.


    What do you say we take the environment system, extract it out to its own Mod project on this site and others if you want (in your name), put a license on it (however you want to do that) and make one mod that's really good at this one thing (starting the map with specific layers from the savegame.mod registry)?

    That's a great idea! You really did do a lot of work on it. I think we could break it out into its own mod project, put all our names on it, and allow anyone else to use it. Honestly, thinking about it some more, I think the best thing is just to let the community use the stuff I make. That way, everyone is able to benefit and can make cooler maps. I'd be happy to talk to you some more about this idea if you'd like - I'm GabeTheCoder#7997 on Discord. I hope there's no hard feelings!

    The White House

       39,500    78
    4 minutes ago, AngryChickens said:

    Hi Gabe,

    Thank you for the compliment, I guess. Though I assume since you also sent me a PM you're wanting to publicly shame me for "stealing your code" which I did not do.

    This is a mod website for a videogame. I don't consider any way content here can/should be monetized in any meaningful way, and everyone who does publish content should be doing so in good spirits, without an automatic sense of entitlement that there's an automatic copyright on everything they publish (and your code in particular had no license at the time that I saw the technique you are using). I understand and appreciate that it takes time, effort, and a vast skillset to mod for this game, but I spent a lot of work refactoring your code, which was really hard-coded for your map and environment system, into something that's way more generic and re-usable. So, who's name goes on the code now? I say nobody's. I don't even use my real name on the site. Nobody knows who I am. I say let's just make something great and maybe enjoy that last bit of escapism for once in our lives, but I'm just some fkin guy


    I meant the compliment genuinely. I have downloaded and played the map, and really did enjoy it! I understand your sentiment and what you're saying, although I might disagree on some points. That being said, I did not mean to publicly shame you, and I apologize if that is the effect my comment had. I agree, let's just enjoy some Teardown and make content that people can enjoy.

    NGNT Nuclear Facility

       22,855    150
    On 1/23/2021 at 1:18 PM, Cobes said:

    Okay! I will definitely message you for some help cuz yeah editing two maps really, really sucks. Thanks 🙂

    I'd be happy to help as well 🙂

    University Dorm (Bergwall Hall)

       9,914    28
    3 hours ago, godlyrecon said:

    Great job on the map! I have a question, when will support for the experimental branch be added for this map?

    I hope to add it soon! I haven't downloaded the experimental branch yet myself, but I hope to get around to it in the next few days.

    University Dorm (Bergwall Hall)

       9,914    28
    1 hour ago, karmikovic said:


    Excellent job!  Did you create all the assets (walls, props, etc)? I am creating and compiling a collection of assets for this community and was wondering if you would allow usage of parts of this map and assets to be included into the upcoming community asset pack...

    The catch is the community asset pack will allow unrestrictive usage for using, modifying and sharing back to the community without requiring credit or attribution.  All assets in this pack will allow users to own modified assets as if it was their own creation.  The idea behind this is so that we can take all bottlenecks out of the creative workflow in order to help make this the best moding community and sandbox game ever!  I am using such an unrestrictive approach to all of my previous and future uploads to teardown mods.

    Can I include parts of this map in the upcoming asset pack, to be released with the same unrestrictive license as mentioned above?  (no pressure, just asking)
    Thanks for your consideration!

    Thank you!

    I created almost all the assets in this map. Only the yellow van, saloon car, and pine trees were stock assets already in the game. Let me consider your proposal and I will get back to you, thanks!

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