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Posts posted by wu_dl

  1. I've been exploring Teardown for several weeks. The impression this game has given me so far is that it much resembles some kind of model+code compiler, completed with some game-ish charateristics that make it playable. I have basically mastered the skill of model constructing as well as the .xml file editing thanks to the official tutorial and in-code interpretation.

    But the .lua is yet another story. In fact, .xml looks much like HTML in terms of syntax, which means it's just a kind of Marking Language that I'm familiar with. However, I didn't find much assistance in game-oriented .lua programming. I believe there are many ones like me who are just "LAZY" creators that want to get more fantastic dynamic effects in works while unwilling to get bothered by learning the entire new programming language, so would there be any tutorial about how to quickly achieve some simple effects (e.g.: a flashing light or a movable door) by introducing the basic Lua syntax and giving some modular off-the-shelf examples?

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