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Files posted by Gh0st

  1. Quick Save Manager

    This is a python script that I wrote that allows you to save and load quicksaves.
    The process is pretty self explanatory and the program guides you through pretty well, but just make sure that when loading a save you first quicksave BEFORE you load the save and then you can load it in the program and then in the game. As of right now there is no ui, although I will most likely add it soon.
    Although the program gives you simple explanations, if you find yourself confused I recommend you read the READ.txt in the zip.
    How to install:
    1. Extract the file anywhere you want.
    2. Move the quicksaves folder to Documents\Teardown (The folder where your save files are). You can delete the txt in the quicksaves folder if you want; it is completely useless other then allowing me to put the folder into a zip file.
    3. Run the script when you're ready and:
    Also make sure to check out another save manager made by MrAdhit that improves on the idea a lot!
    If you would prefer not to download the zip, the code is below:
    from shutil import copyfile from os import remove from getpass import getuser def startSave(): choose = input('save (s) or load/delete (l)? ') if choose == 's': print() save() else: if choose == 'l': print() loadChoose() def save(): try: saveListTxt = loadlist() except: print('savelist.txt not found, creating new file') saveListTxt = loadlist('x') saveListTxt.close() saveListTxt = loadlist() saveName = input('What do you want to call your save? ') saveNameNl = saveName + '\n' saves = saveListTxt.readlines() count = 0 for i in saves: count += 1 if saveNameNl == i: print() print('you already have a save with this name :(') print() saveListTxt.close() break else: if count == len(saves): saveListTxt.close() saveListTxt = loadlist('a') copyfile(r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksave.bin', r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksaves\\' + saveName + '.bin') saveListTxt.write(saveNameNl) saveListTxt.close() print() print('Save created') print() break if len(saves) == 0: saveListTxt.close() saveListTxt = loadlist('a') copyfile(r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksave.bin', r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksaves\\' + saveName + '.bin') saveListTxt.write(saveNameNl) saveListTxt.close() print() print('Save created') print() def loadlist(method = 'r'): resultlist = open(r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksaves\savelist.txt', method) return resultlist def loadChoose(): saveTxt = loadlist('r') saveList = saveTxt.readlines() saveTxt.close saveTxt = loadlist('r') saveListOg = saveTxt.readlines() saveTxt.close if len(saveListOg) > 0: for i in range(len(saveList)): print(i + 1) print(saveList[i]) print() saveNum = int(input('type the number of the save you want to load/delete ')) print() if not saveNum > len(saveList) and not saveNum < 1: delOrLoad = input('delete (d) or load (l)? ') if delOrLoad == 'd': for i in range(len(saveList)): saveList[i] = saveList[i].rstrip('\n') remove(r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksaves\\' + saveList[saveNum - 1] + '.bin') print() print('deleted!') print() newTxt = loadlist('w') saveListOg.pop(saveNum - 1) newTxt.writelines(saveListOg) else: if delOrLoad == 'l': for i in range(len(saveList)): saveList[i] = saveList[i].rstrip('\n') copyfile(r'C:\Users\\' + username + r'\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksaves\\' + saveList[saveNum - 1] + '.bin', r'C:\Users\ypier\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\quicksave.bin') print() print('loaded!') print() else: print() print('You don\'t have any saves! Input \'s\' to save!') print() username = getuser() debug = 'false' while 'true': #debug = 'true' if debug == 'false': try: print() startSave() except: print() print() print('oops, something went wrong') print() print() else: startSave()  


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