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About Troubled_Salmon

  • Birthday 01/01/1870

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is a fully working crane. The arm works, the hooks works, all of it works. I'm sure someone will come along and make a better one in the future but for now enjoy You are free to use this model in any map you make To enjoy it in another map just copy the vox file and xml code to the correct locations
  2. @Robbs yes you can change the ferries wheel's speed. If you go into the custom folder, you should see a ferris_wheel_spin.lua file. If you open that then you should see how to change the speed. I've left comments indicating which numbers to change and what they do.
  3. Hey dude. Did you use my bus model without permission? You also used my bus stop. Also considering you never got permission from me, can I assume you didn't get permission for the other buildings?
  4. A vehicle upstairs might be a bit difficult to fit in. I'll try think of a way to do it but no promises.
  5. Version


    Now includes a version for the experimental branch. A read me has been included. New: 0.4.1 - Added an explosive fuel tanker. - Added buttons to increase and decrease the speed of the Ferris wheel. - Added a small fire hydrant that spouts water when broken. - Added more screenshots - Added a performance map. (No movies. The movies can cause performance issues) 0.4 - Added a cinema/movie theater with 3 different "movies". (Don't expect much) - Added a button in the boss's office of the car dealership that spawns a ramp. - Added more props to pi
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This was a small map I made when Teardown first came out. Includes a tennis court, a bus stop, a cafe and a restroom. Most objects can be picked up.
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