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File Comments posted by fratermalou

  1. 7 hours ago, LordWolfi said:

    a very, very nice and cool card 😄
    I'm working with friends to create an online mod/server. Can I take your card with me on our card?
    I would of course add them to the credits on our card

    (sorry for my bad english...)

    yes it's ok thank you for asking

  2. On 1/9/2021 at 6:48 PM, Bırb said:

    can you make a zip version instead of rar so people who has the free version can play it too or dont pack every thing together

    i can't make a zip, a tried and the file is too big, there is a lot of free softs to unrar a file.

  3. yes in the last version i told the game that if speaker 1, and speaker 2 are destroyed, even with one bullet, to do nothing, so it can't do anything else but that. i don't know why you still have music after destroying the whole building. there is a simple way to know if you have the last version, can you see the speakers in the nightclub ??

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