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take lol

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    very cool map but i think the idea to put every file in one is realy good so that you dont have to download every file individually
  1. in the main files are many other these you have to put in the gamefolder
  2. in the main files are many other these you have to put in the gamefolder
  3. MyCresta yes i see a console and i downloaded the latset version and karmikovic i tried and they loaded but i cant equip them in the UMP and in the normal mode they dont shoot
  4. is it normal that the mod is just working like a recoller for guns becous when i activate the mods and im in the game these are just recoller
  5. take lol

    Inventory System

    i cant use the mod can i get help
    i cant use the mod can i get help
  6. you cant use it becouse there is no xml data
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