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Everything posted by AngryChickens

  1. Supposedly it's reinforced with steel, but I can't say that I've ever actually tried. Do you know anyone who has? I'm going for realism, so if you know anyone who's thrown something at The White House, please let me know so I can account for structural integrity in my recreation.
  2. Do you mean the way I kind of extruded the pieces vertically instead of horizontally? I kind of like how it looks as-is, but will mess around with other ways of doing it to try to match it a bit more closely.
  3. I don't think I fully understand the question. Collision from what?
  4. Nice, hadn't seen these, they definitely help. I was initially off on a few things. I also know that I am off on landscaping; I believe there's about a 10-12 foot rise on the North side, which is the driveway. I'll work on these details next!
  5. Done - I did it by modelling the flag, as opposed to loading it in as an image, let me know what you think
  6. FYI, I ended up using this for one of my own mods, for better or worse.
  7. Version 2.1


    The White House Right-click > Save Link As... Install Instructions 1. Download the whitehouse.zip. Extract the zip, and you will get a directory called whitehouse. 2. Move the whitehouse directory into your user's "My Documents/Teardown/mods" directory. See the official Teardown Modding site for more details: https://teardowngame.com/modding/ if you run Teardown on linux, the mods dir is located at: <steam-install-dir>/steamapps/compatdata/1167630/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/Teardown/mods 3. When you start Teardown, the
    I tried to replace the little gnomes in my map with Barts, but it let to big performance problems :P
  8. Version 1


    Built to scale from real measurements
  9. Version 1


    Built to scale from real measurements. The level includes an AI that will move toward the player and shoot when the player is within line of sight. Somewhere in the house is a switch that controls the AI, in addition to working lightswitches. The AI explodes when shot.
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