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  1. Mhenn

    Fernway Hub

    Maybe you could put in a power plant or factory
  2. Did you make this in a rush? there are misaligned track parts everywhere
    This isn't a very good map. Parts of the road are misaligned and the "tunnel" section's walls were going onto the track, making it very hard to turn. The end of the race is merged into the start. Even on the first jump the car can faceplant, losing the rally lights and opening the hood. There are definitely better rally maps than this. Would sadly not recommend. brickolo's car is very well made (9/10), the windows aren't glass and you cant see through them.
  3. Mhenn


    Could you make a modloader version? That would increase the range of compatibility for experimental versions of the game.
    I can't find the XML file...
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