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Everything posted by CriminalDuck007

    This makes me wish for Dead By Daylight maps, but I love this map and its a nice little area that makes you wanna experience more so I just wanna see you flesh it out
    The quality of the ragdoll person is impressive, it makes me hope that real living teardown npcs are like that. And yes I love blowing up the white house and letting covid destroy stuff but I really wanna drive that limo too 5/5
    I love this map 5/5 keep it up. I love that there is more to enjoy on this map than solely destruction but its still fun to blow everything up
    Instantly loved this map and its a lot of fun, keep doing what you're doing
  1. Please make a zip file version
  2. CriminalDuck007


    Can you please make a zip version?
  3. Can you please make a zip version?
  4. Can you please make a zip version?
  5. CriminalDuck007

    The Block

    Can you please make a zip version?
  6. CriminalDuck007

    Oppidum town

    Can you please make a zip version?
  7. Can you please make a zip version?
  8. CriminalDuck007


    This mod is really underrated, I love it
  9. Please make this a zip file pleease
  10. How do i install a the Custom levels extended mod? And maybe someone can better explain to me how to properly install a custom map too. Thank you I would really appreciate some help so I can learn how to do this stuff myself
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