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  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2546815733
  2. If you uncomment it, it will spawn a light switch on the right staircase, floor5, next to right door on the electric shielding.
  3. Light switch vox model. Did not managed to make the "lights.lua" script work yet. If you investigate .xml file, you will find this comment-outed. <body name="switch_b1_s3_f5" pos="25.9 16.2 0.4" dynamic="false"> <vox tags="lightswitch" file="LEVEL/props/lights.vox" object="light_switch_1" /> </body> This hooks up the .vox model and make it a switch. Though I did not managed to attach it to the light source. If you will find out how, share please!
  4. Light switch vox model. Did not managed to make the "lights.lua" script work yet. If you investigate .xml file, you will find this comment-outed. <body name="switch_b1_s3_f5" pos="25.9 16.2 0.4" dynamic="false"> <vox tags="lightswitch" file="LEVEL/props/lights.vox" object="light_switch_1" /> </body> This hooks up the .vox model and make it a switch. Though I did not managed to attach it to the light source. If you will find out how, share please!
  5. Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) I have update a description for more info! And if you do something cool, post a link here 😄
    Very nice model. A green camo is a must 😄 I did put it a BMP on the map I am creating, blends really nice. Keep up the good work!
  6. Floor update coming up! Wooden floors in the rooms, ceramic in bathroom and toilet! Now you can set the apartment on fire :0 Furniture to come.
  7. Version 0.2.0


    Small project of mine, a model of Soviet Serial Panel Apartment building "Lithuanian". These are very common in Baltic States that were once under a Soviet Union. Building is modeled based on real data and sizing, 1 voxel equals to 10cm. Building is made up from real panels as real building, that give a great feeling on destruction, especially with Nuke Mod. You can check out how the panel destruction looks like on my Youtube video. Installation instructions: Replace "custom.vox" file in "Teardown/create/custom" folder; Add "props" folder into "Teardown/create/custom" fol
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